Poundex F4035C Corner Shelf Cherry
I recently bought a corner shelf, and was so impressed that I bought a second one. Suprisingly, it took longer to put the second shelf together. I was was distracted by the game and put the bottom section together backwards. I easily made the correction. There is really no excuse since each piece is labeled and the instructions are quite clear. I guess football and assembly are a bad combination. The corner shelf can normally be assembled in a lesiure hour by one person. I read an earlier review where two people put the shelf together in 20 minutes. I guess that is possible if you are in a competition or the wife is standing over you. It takes me 20 minutes to unpack the box and get in the proper frame of mind to assemble the shelves. Personally, I put the shelves together in stages and it was quite easy to assemble. I like the finished shelves and would recommend this product.
Get your Poundex F4035C Corner Shelf Cherry Now!
I ordered 2 of these cherry corner shelves, and absolutely love them!
BalasHapusI was a bit nervous about the assembly complexity, time, and quality.
All 3 rate A+.
It did say in the instructions that it takes 2 people to put together.
Not true. I did it by myself.
The clarity of instructions and quality of the workmanship were excellent.
I like the looks and look forward to displaying lots of photos and stuff on the shelves.
The cherry wood color is really pretty.
The Poundex Corner Shelf is exactly as I thought it would be. It displays my pottery beautifully in my dining room.
BalasHapusHeavy weight shelf for corner of room. Much more robust than you'd think from the Amazon photo. At first, I thought the price was high for a corner shelf. I was wrong. This shelf is very hefty.
BalasHapusThe distance between shelves is 13 inches. The distance of the bottom shelf back (corner) to front is 17 inches. The second from bottom is 15 inches, and so on.
I put it together in about 50 minutes with one person (me), not two as recommended in the instructions.
The instructions say to attach it to the wall; it has wall anchor straps and even dry sheetrock wall plastic "hangers". I did not damage my wall with the hardware, I just set it firmly in the corner and it leans back, not front, by design, so it does not appear that it'd fall forward unless some little kid was to try to climb it. I have no little kids here.
Like all shelves, I put the heavier items on the bottom. I have no sense that the shelf will buckle or bend, even if used for books, which is what I am doing in sort of a fan shape on the shelves. It is sturdy enough for books. I recently bought and reviewed a three shelf Ore bookcase Ore International 3 Tier Bookshelves - Espresso that costs the same as this corner shelf. Although the Ore will hold more books, this Poundex corner shelf is better made.
The Poundex cherry is red and cherry color (rather than brown cherry, as many spray painted Chinese pieces can be). I do not whiff the lousy cheap shellac smell that ruins much cheap furniture (like the Ore).
I bought the Poundex corner shelf based on the five star Amazon reviews, and now I have added my own. Thanks a bunch.
I recently bought a corner shelf, and was so impressed that I bought a second one. Suprisingly, it took longer to put the second shelf together. I was was distracted by the game and put the bottom section together backwards. I easily made the correction. There is really no excuse since each piece is labeled and the instructions are quite clear. I guess football and assembly are a bad combination. The corner shelf can normally be assembled in a lesiure hour by one person. I read an earlier review where two people put the shelf together in 20 minutes. I guess that is possible if you are in a competition or the wife is standing over you. It takes me 20 minutes to unpack the box and get in the proper frame of mind to assemble the shelves. Personally, I put the shelves together in stages and it was quite easy to assemble. I like the finished shelves and would recommend this product.
BalasHapusThis is a very good and sturdy item. I bought it to match the dining room table and would highly recommend this product. The cherry color of the wood is beautiful!! Shipping time was excellent.
BalasHapusWell packaged and recieved in under 36 hours using Prime. Pretty easy to put together. It is put together in 2 sections, top and bottom. Shelves and sections are secured with cam screws and glued dowels. The glue comes in a tiny cup which made application a little messy. I recommend using Elmers or anything with a squeeze bottle. (very minor issue). It took about 15-20 minutes to put together, they are very sturdy and do not wobble at all . I bought 2 cherry shelves. They really look great and I could not be happier.
BalasHapusThis shelf is the real thing! Real wood, not that cheap pressboard stuff. It is gorgeous and the color is amazing. Super sturdy and would make any room even more stunning. Love it!
BalasHapusbought this for my daughter for her room and she loves it. she was looking for a corner stand and it fit perfectly.
BalasHapusI ordered this for my office which has very limited space. Everyone really likes it and it was very easy to put together.